After done with the 1st attempt...suddenly it pop in my head to do something for fAther's day. Unfortunately, I seriously don't know how to draw. (yup, even the simple gal and boy symbol above i had trouble drawing...) At first I thought of doing something "pApa is my hero" but I couldn't figure out any symbol to go along with it ( i mean symbol that I know how to draw). Thus I came out with a different phrase " PAPA'S LIL PRINCE" and "PAPA'S LIL PRINCESS"
And here's the outcome of ym 2nd attempt...
Yes, I know there's lots of space for improvement. But most importantly, it was made with l0ve =)
mommy cunnye! i pun terinspired nak buat something for baby#2 lps gi blog aida tu. berkobar semangat ingat nak buat soft sole shoes tu tapi baru gunting kain, tak jahit2 lagi. tp this applique/iron on menarik jgk. cuma nak kena gi cari plain onesies dulu ;). btw, did u purchase the felt from the link aida kasi tu?
kasut tu mmg nk try but dont think i have the hand for it. yg applique ni nmpak senang skit tu sbb berani try, hihihi
felt tu i beli kt kedai scrapbook in OU
craft haven tu ker? next to mph? now nak kena gi cari plain onesies for adik and t-shirt for kakak. fuyoo berkobarnya, like real only hahahah not so sure the name of the shop but it's on the way from old wing to new wing. 2nd floor. rm2 per piece..its slightly smaller than A4 paper size.
the rompers tu i beli kat reject shop je..sbb nk testing punye pasal. it's only rm3!!!! tapi dont think tahan lama, pakai skali dua je. setakat tuk 1st trial bleh lar.
now i nk buat lagi tapi tak tau nk google for pattern kt website ape...i'm seriously terrible at drawing..hihi
i pun kerastangan hahaha... i think i know which shop... rasanyalah tp tak sure, dah lama tak gi OU.kedai tu kecik kan? ada jual boxes and wrapping papers tak?
OMG bestnye. i pun nak buat lah. hebat laaaa munirah despite u're so bz and preggie some more. thumbs up to u :)
ooohh..i rasa baru je i tinggal mereka cepat sekali masa berlalu..sungguh cantik baju kamu buat yer!dan sungguh comel sekali anak-anak KU..hahahahah :)
wow munirah i didn't realise someone actually used that tutorial!! i'm so happy!! your onesies look soo cute!! oh think of all the funny onesies you can create for the twins..
i totally agree with the last sentence..made with love..that's the whole point of handmade items =)
looking forward for more craftiness from you...hehe
kedai tu tak fact it is 2 lot. jual brg2 scrapbook.
i mmg minat all his handcraft cume no talent for it. nk gunting straight pun ended up jd senget... hihi
mayb u can try doing it mase u keja shift mlm..hihi
come lar over tgk anak2 yg sedang membesar...athirAh mcm tarzan kn...=)
the tutorial sgt lar helpful. but somehow my transfer paper mcm tak high quality lar..u gune brand ape, and how much it cost you?
and wat do u type kat google to search for nice pattern? im lousy at drawing =(
looking forward for mre tutorial from u ;)
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