And this time around..i wanna share with u that tak semestinye once dah ade dSLR gmbar confirm cun. yer..u can read the manual to learn bout the setting. what about other basic photography and art of seeing?
Ingat tak about my trip back to kampung kt Tanjung Malim, yang ni first time pegi. Time tu kami dah miliki camera dSLR...and dah pun paham ape itu aperture, ISO and shutter. tapi camane nk praktikn sume element2 tu ke dalam gambar. angle sume hampeh kami tak reti. background pun ntah ape2.
Then kali kedua balik kampung...ade lah berbekalkn skit ilmu yang saya pelajari online kt PhotoMama, dan hasilnye ade kt pos yg ini.... (yg bebudak gembira jakun main air)
So dua tempat yang sama, camera yang sama...tapi hasil gambar yg berbeza kan....jadi adakah memilik dSLR means everything?
Nway, PhotoMama will be having its 2nd photoclinic. As usual, free for premium members and RM45 fees for non-premium members. So ni lar time tu tanye in person ape2 yg tak paham kt video tu.

Hello's time for Photoclinic Session again.!!! So to all mommies, this is the time for you to get to do the practical with the Sifu around you..Sifu will correct you if you are wrong on the spot!
Here's the detail of the PHOTOCLINIC 2 :
Date : 2nd May 2009
Day : Saturday
Time : 9am till 11am
Venue : Lake Garden
Fees : FREE for all Premium Members ( RM45 for non Premium Members)
Trainer : Saiful Nang
Others : 1 premium members can bring maximum 2 non-premium members (other than husband or wife) but must be registered with TPMC community for FREE. But the priority will be given to the Premium Members.
Activities : You Shoot the Sifu will Correct it..
teringin nak join, tp buat hari sabtu la pulak.. dah la hubi keje xleh tuang hari sabtu .. rugi tul rasanya...
ps, i'm giving support to my hubi, dia yg ada hidden talent.. i jadi model leh la.. :P
-mama emma-
mama emma:
kalau ikutkn husband i yg ade hidden memandangkn i yg slalu kt umah with the kids, so i tgk tutorial online and gabungkn dgn tips dr en. suami...and with lots of practice, insyaAllah u would then discover u pun ade hidden talent....hihi
lohaii 2nd may???? can't make it dammit. schedule full dr pagi ke tgh malam! T____T
hai hanim..
sebelum ni akak pembaca senyap setia blog hanim..;)
akak memang kagum dgn keupayaan hanim meng-amek gamba anak2 hanim yg comel tuh..mmg ade peningkatan tau! sungguh!terhibur tgk aksi anak anak hanim..;)
p/s:dgn izin ye..akak nak list blog hanim dlm blog akak..;)
2nd may? betul non-premium pon boleh join??? betulll???
yup betul...tak tipu punye. non premium member pun bleh join.
but u have to at least register urself kt forum photomama tu (free jer for normal member)
n fees for non-premium would be rm45.
ruginye dh ade dslr tapi tak make full use of it...
jom join =)
no prob, add lah link.
salam perkenalan =)
ade dslr confirm gambar lawa? confirm laaa... terms & conditions applies :D :D :D
hahah, nicely said.
nway, come over lah petang ni. syauQi is around.but be prepared to get wet! =)
hi pun silent reader dh join baru lagi..hanim mmg improve a lot lps blaja kat photomama ek..nice pict btw..& harap dpt blaja ngan hanim plak nnt..:D
hi there!
oh dh join photomama...jom lar blaja same2 improvekn gambar.
saya pun budak baru blaja.
tp if betul2 nk blaja kena jadi the premium member and watch the online tutorial..mmg sgt2 membantu
nway, salam perkenalan
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