Did it while syauQi was away for his friday prayers. Placed a big paper on the table...took out the water colour and brushes and get all three seated and let them go wild with the colours. It was uZAir very first time with the colours.
However, uZAir did finger painting instead of using the brushes. And while his hand was full of paint he actually scratch his head. The elder 2 were amused with uZAir's head because of the paint and the ended up having fun painting their lil' brother. It was a total mess.
And uZAir was actually happy being painted all over..haha
oh.. sweetnya.. :) hihi.. bekerjasama!
so sweet ...........
athirah mane??
-mama emma-
kalau faris join sekali mesti cun 'I' faris tu. hehehe
I suka bila depa nih comot....actually i suka the way u teach your children...leraning tru playing...it's funkan...ada baca buku "einstein never use flashcard" tak?
how sweet. i yang baru sorang anak ni pon dah garu kepala. bangun kol 2-3 pagi, tarik2 rambut. oh tidak. belum kes nangis kat pintu toilet sebab nak ikut kita mandi sama. in his case, nak main air ~~
comel. setuju ngan wanida. i pun suke cara u ajar diorg. try jugak cari masa utk buat camtu. tapi tak sempat2. hope i sempat bagi anak2 merasa keseronokan camni b4 diorg membesar lagi.....
owh..in fact i suke juga kalo anak i comot2 camtu (even i slalu bising kalau kotor sket). tapi my doter ni asal tercuit sikit kekotoran kat baju/body kecooohhnye sekampung!!!
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