Friday, November 7, 2008

My lil' brat turns woman!

I was chatting with my sister last night, and in between our conversation she was saying:

hanapunyer: i think i'm at that age mcm pikir pjg tros

And my quick respond was:

munirahpunye: wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
munirahpunye: something big from my lil sister!!!

And soon after that it actually struck into my head, wow my lil brat sister has now turn adult! She'll be completing her degree this month and soon will be back home for good. She left for boarding school at the age of 13, so she's never been home since then. Thus starting next year, I'll be seeing her face every single day. Unless her work requires her to leave the house before I'm awake and returns home after I'm asleep.


hana jahudi said...

x yah laa bgtau satu dunia! bengong! :P