We had some workers over at the house to do some repair work, and hArith was of coz happy to see all the work being done. And suddenly we caught him out in the garden climbing up the stairs, me on the other hand bukan kabut nk gi get him down tapi kabut gi amiq camera..hahha, the few shots yg sempat amiq sblum selamatkn die... hihi
hahaha...comel laaa si hariz ni...
rajin lak tu...bahagia mommy dia..
nice ler ur pics...mmg berhasil yer photomama tu..
harith nie .. sifat ingin tahu dia .. sgt tinggi .. he..he.. sempat larik amik kamera yer mun .. seb sesi menyelamat dilakukan ;-)
wa..munirah! your photography skills have indeed improved..semangatnya tengok body harith...yesterday we brought mu'izz for hepatitis jab..he's now 3.6kgs..alhamdulillah..semangat untuk mama dia jugak... :)
kadang tu telebih rajin smpai pening kepala dibuatnye. asal dgr org masak kt dapur die pun nk masuk. yg lecehnye kena dukung die sbb nk tgk ape dlm kuali
yup mmg berhasil photomama..jom lar join =)
hihi, my dad pun panic takut die jatuh, i pulak dok sibuk nk amiq gmbr dulu
wahhh glad to hear he's doin well!
You are a lucky mother,harith is such a helpful son.Eh,tp die pandai turun tak pas naik tangga tu?
kecik2 dah rajin..bagusnya anak u ni.hopefully my son pun akan rajin mcm ni gak nanti. : )
munirah, anak bujang u ni memang sgt unik dan best!
kak nem shantek... jamma book harith bleh?? =P
just nak tanya what model of camera are u using now?
u nk book harith tuk sape? for ur anak next year ker? hihi
hi there, im using nikon D90
congrats! you've been chosen as one of Feb '09 Top Referrers at MomBloggersPlanet.
alah, kalau next year gap harith ngan dier br setahun.. dekat je, tunggu laa lame sket.. mane leh cepat2 nih! =P
rajin betul dia!
funny baca mommy cepat2 nak cari kamera, bukan nak cepat2 selamatkan takut jatuh! hhehe.. nak buat camne, photomama kan? moments tu tak datang selalu...
mummy orked
suke tgk pics your kids explore the house. comel~!! and yeahhh, good that came come first, pastu baru rescue baby. hihihihihi. =P
mummy orked:
tu ah my dad pun bising takut hArith jatuh.
its nice to see how curious they are n buzy exploring the hse...tapi bab nk kena monitor tu yg penat.
pintu toilet wajib tutup if not gumbira dua beradik kocak2 toilet bowl dgn tangan.
pagi tadi pintu belakang bukak, sedar2 hArith dh kt luar tgh main tanah...
i'm about to get D90 too. Mind sharing lense u use?
for taking potrait photos it would be gud to hv lense 50mm / 1.8. tat's roughly rm380 - rm400.
tp tat lense selalu out of stock. so i invested yg mahal skit, 50mm / 1.4 . its about rm1050 - rm1200
i see..so is this the only lense you have, or ada yang lain jugak?
yup tat's the only lense i have besides the kit lense
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